Building a better workplace

Geralynn Patellaro, Esq.

Attorney, Investigator, Trainer and HR Consultant

Geralynn Patellaro, Esq.

Attorney, Investigator, Trainer and HR Consultant

Geralynn Patellaro, Esq.

Attorney, Investigator, Trainer and HR Consultant


Geralynn Patellaro understands the challenges and dynamics of workplace disputes. They are disruptive and can be devastating both personally and professionally. Ms. Patellaro assists clients in resolving disputes through facilitated mediation.

She also has served as a volunteer coach for Santa Clara County Dispute Resolution Services and Stanford Law Students as part of their mediation coursework. She completed intensive mediation coursework through the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University School of Law (“Mediating the Litigated Case”) and The Oregon Mediation Center.

Ms. Patellaro’s success as a mediator can be attributed to many factors such as:

  • Legal experience representing employers and employees,
  • Managerial experience within large and small companies,
  • Cultural sensitivity and extensive experience with a global workforce,
  • Creative problem solving, dispute resolution, and coaching skills, and
  • Ablility to listen, draw out the participants and remain impartial.


“Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.” –Albert Einstein